About us

Hi, my name is Mark, and I’m the “Middle” that came up with the Mark the Middle movement to capture that “THING” or “MARK” that people naturally understand when describing middles in their family.  It typically all starts when you are sitting around talking about all of our dysfunctional families.  Yes, don’t hide, every family is screwed up even though we paint a pretty picture on the outside for the world to see.  It’s ok, we know.  If your conversation ever moved into the area of birth order it is a pretty good bet that the middle child came up.  It wasn’t part of the plan to go there, it just happened. And this is where that “Thing” and the magic are found.  The middle and their place in the family (not the oldest or youngest) just changes who we are. It’s  incredibly consistent as you talk to 100’s of middles like I have.  After speaking with a best selling author who studied birth order for over 10 years, she said it best.   Middles just have this Unique, Creative, Different, Entrepreneurial and most importantly Balancing, Independent and Out of the Box perspective that changes things!  Do the oldest and youngest have their own unique place in the family.  Absolutely.  According to my interview the oldest often feel the weight of the world on their shoulders because of the expectations that were put there since day 1.  The babies…that’s a whole different story.  All I can say to the “youngers”  is “Party On” and celebrate the fact that we paved the path for you.   You know we love you.

So herein lies the Goal of creating a Movement, Lifestyle Brand and Gathering  Place to bring Middles together!

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